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Camel Trekking 

This excursion begins at 5 a.m. and we will take approximately 30 minutes in reaching the highest dune of Erg-Chebbi. This excursion includes a visit to the gardens of the locality to the return. He enjoys the night. It will not be necessary to connect the alarm clock, we wake up you.

Tour Camel

 This excursion begins 5 of the evening and we will walk in camel for 40 minutes along the orange dunes of Erg Chebbi; we will leave the camels to raise approximately 80 meters up to the highest dune of Erg-Chebbi. For those that prefer having a Panoramic Sight of the putting sun, they will have to raise up to the top of the dune what supposes approximately 10 minutes more of increase; those who prefer remaining below will be able to enjoy the putting sun in the local surroundings where we leave the camels. After the sunset, we return to the village.


  Camel Trekking Overnight in Desert, Night in Erg Chebbi Dunes

According to the hour of arrival, this excursion begins after taking a calm lunch. The camels will be loaded with meal, blankets and all the necessary effects it will go for the most solitary desert. This route will discover us a small oasis hidden between the dunes where we will happen the night. If we are lucky and the sky is cleared we will be able .disfrutar of a starred night. After enjoying the good one. it has dinner, we will light a fire. If you get up early on the following morning, you will have the possibility of going for for for a walk along the dunes and of contemplating the sun rising for the border of Algeria, to a few scarce 50 kilometers of Merzouga. He will have time to do photos earlier and after the breakfast, after which we will return to the hostel, finishing this way this excursion

Camel Trekking  Experience: 2 Night en Erg Chebbi Dunes

According to the hour of arrival, this excursion begins after taking a calm lunch. The camels will be loaded with meals, blankets, and all the effects necessary for this trip that will take us to the most solitary desert. The way will take us up to Discovering a small oasis hidden between the dunes where we will happen the night. If we are lucky and the sky is cleared we will be able to enjoy a starred night. On this first night, and after a good dinner, we will light a fire.

In the morning toMarzoemos a good breakfast since we still will have almost 2 hours of the trip left up to coming to our new destination. We will do a stop of an hour and a half to have lunch under the shade of a TaMarzoiz, a typical tree of the desert. After lunch, we will continue with our way towards the house of a family Tuareg where we will happen the night and will interact with them. ía following and after a good breakfast, we will return to the village.

*Note: this excursion can be realized on the contrary. You can happen the first night with the family Tuareg and the following one in the oasis.


Camel tours Experience :3 Night en Erg Chebbi

According to the hour of arrival, this excursion begins after toMarzo the calm one. Lunch the camels will be loaded with meals, blankets, and all the effects necessary for this trip that will take us to the most solitary desert. This route will discover us a small oasis hidden between the dunes where we will happen the night. If we are lucky and the sky is cleared we will be able to enjoy a starred night. On this first night, and after a good dinner, we will light a fire.

In the morning we will take a good breakfast since we still will have almost 2 hours of the trip left up to coming to our new destination. We will do a stop of an hour and a half to have lunch under the shade of a Tamariz, a typical tree of the desert. After lunch, we will continue with our way towards the property of a family Tuareg where we will happen the night and will interact with them. On the following morning, we will have breakfast with the family and later we will head towards another small oasis located in a desert plenary meeting where beréber finds the following camp inhabited by a nomadic family. There ía following and after a good breakfast, we will return to the village or to the hostel.

In this excursion, an average is presupposed from 90 minutes until two hours of, or walk-in line of to one, or of walk-in camel every day.

Excursion 4x4 Desert (half-day or a day)

Into the natural park of the dunes in 4x4

The dunes that form the field of Erg Chebbi it has approximately 60 km long and 25 km wide from average since in some points of his configuration there are fewer kilometers and in others. The escape about the Erg can be realized throughout one day or in the half-day. The trip is the same, but the number of stops in the different places and the duration of the same ones is different well. In the option of the excursion of a complete day, we will stop to eat in an oasis where there are a small number of people in the way of the desert. They will prepare a warm meal for us, sat on the ground as it is they who live. The trip to the dunes will allow us to happen for the small oases of Giving Kaoua and of Hassi Merdani. This trajectory presents the opportunity to enjoy a panorama of the dunes and to do excellent contact with the hamada (stone desert).

Stay a virgin oasis in the desert

When we speak to this one, we go in direction of the border in Algeria. This border clearly delimited by a mountain range is approximate 40 kilòmetres. In this territory the desert is absolute, the life is absolutely wild. The proposal of this excursion consists of seeing a virgin desert for two hours of the trip in 4X4 up to coming to an oasis only visited by the nomad's Berbers. To the oasis we will eat and, stretched on the mantes, we will have a perfect evening to do a siesta in the shade of the palm trees, to read, to draw, to play the checkers Berbers, to walk, etc. Two hours of the trip more will bring us A Merzouga, bathed by the desert, with the engraved well images and having listened one more time, the silence of the desert. Along the whole trip, we will do all the stops that are wished to do photos, to walk and to observe all that that I attracted the attention of us in the trip. In the spring, many animals have their babies which makes it especially interesting and tender to realize certain stops for observing nature in this season.